3D Print

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STEM SAJAM – Projekta NEW STEM Kutina – ABECEDA budućnosti

Održat će se u petak, 30. lipnja 2023. godine s početkom u 19:00 sati na adresi Crkvena 46, Kutina

  • radionice matematike, robotike, 3D dizajna, 3D printa, RC jedrilica i aviona

Posjetitelji će moći aktivno sudjelovati u brojnim radionicama uz Promociju znanosti-matematičke znanosti /crtice matematike u tehničkoj kulturi.

Nositelj Projekta: Grad Kutina
Projekt je financiran kroz Financijski mehanizam Europskog gospodarskog prostora (EGP) 2014. – 2021 Islanda, Lihtenštajna i Norveške uz nacionalno sufinanciranje Republike Hrvatske u okviru Programa „Lokalni razvoj i smanjenje siromaštva“.

Activity 2.2. Robotics, 3D design, 3D printing in an extracurricular activity/subject teaching 3D - elementary school of Zvonimir Franka and MC Kutin

In the late afternoon, the first 3D workshop came to an end, and the students are sitting in the benches - learning, working! Can the workshop last even longer!?

It can!🎊 Lecturer Sebastian Schneider will prepare teaching material for the extra time the students want to spend at the next workshop.

What joy🥳

Little NEW STEM video news – Banova Jaruga

Although the STEM workshops conducted by MC Kutina have different methods and tools for work and learning in terms of content, in each workshop, not only the one on 2.5. Activity Application of STEMA in film art, students are taught to use a recording tool - some type of video camera, but also that they want and know how to say, in the form of an interview or a staged short content, what they are learning about and/or what their impressions are.

In Banova Jaruga Primary School, this is how it was recorded what was done and what impression was expressed :)

2.5. Activity Application of STEMA in film art

2.1. Robotics activity in the computer science elective class - classroom teaching

2.2. Activity...

Elementary School Banova Jaruga Activity 2.2. Robotics, 3D design, 3D printing - subject teaching/extracurricular activity

For the majority of students, attendees of MC Kutin's workshops at Banova Jaruga Primary School, 3D technology was - exactly what they wanted to learn! Enlightened by watching videos on 3D technology, they were ready to listen carefully to a lecture on 3D design, then apply it. And finally see "live" how the designed object is printed on MC Kutin's demonstrative 3D printer.

Robotics in subject classes at Banova Jaruga Elementary School attracts students who already have a vision and certain, at least theoretical, knowledge of what robotics means and what programming is. And they are ready to step into the world of robotics and programming at far more serious levels. The world of STEM is opening up!:)

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